Sunday, 6 October 2013

L O weekend

..started with a bang! Private View night was like a damburst, with an explosion of well-wishing, curious a complimentary friends flooding the hitherto sepulchral confines of the studio!
It was great to be able to show colleagues the fruits of my labours of the past month-and-a-half and to hear their expressions of surprise ("It's much smaller than it looked on the website!" "Wait 'til I tell my mum, she's mad about watermelon." "We knew you were clever but we didn't know you were an artist!").
And it was a treat to welcome friends I have been out if touch with for a while.
The refreshments lubricated the loco without sending it off the rails. Personally I didn't get the chance to drink too much, so happily engaged as I was in catching up, explaining the work, reminiscing and batting ideas around.
The evening flew by and as the last of my guests left I was happy to be making tracks for home, unlike my studio buddies who stayed on to burn the midnight oil.
There was busy weekend ahead.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Hot Watermelon

The second batch of work is out of the kiln showing little sign of last night's High Anxiety and many Watermelon pots looking bonnie indeed!

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Curcubitae - First batch fired!

It seemed like ages waiting for the kiln to cool to 60 today.. But it was worth it I am very happy with the 3-colour and graduated toasting on the Cantaloups! Black slip (on tall  vases is subtly metallic/graphite and the black clay squash a very matt "charcoal". The second batch, mainly of Watermelon bowls is packed and firing!

Unfired work - curcubitae

These are the three main pieces I will be showing at tbe Lambeth Open - in their green (unfired) state.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013